Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Exercise for Health

Do you need to exercise for your health? Are you healthy because you exercise? How much exercise do you need to stay healthy? These are questions I hear when I talk about one's health. I am asked "how do you stay in such good shape"? I exercise regularly at least 4 to 5 times a week and for at least an hour each session.
Exercising for your health should be on top of your list of things to do or close to the top. Of course you also must watch your diet if you want to stay in shape. You cannot eat carbs and sugars and expect to burn it off with exercise, especially as you get older.
You also need a plan or exercise program to follow on a regular basis in order to stay healthy. Along with this program you need a program for eating the foods that enhance a healthy body. The food we eat can help us to stay healthy, even if you do very little exercise.
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When to exercise for our health is another question asked by people just starting an exercise program.I don't think it really matters when, as long as you do the program and get plenty of rest afterwards. I prefer exercising first in the early morning. This helps me get energized and ready to face the rest of the day. Some people cannot do this due to work schedules so evening workouts are great for helping get the stress of work out of your body.
Unless you are training for Mr. America, exercising for an hour should be sufficient to burn off some calories and tone up those muscles and get the heart beating. If you cannot exercise for an hour, then do at least 30 minutes and the exercise program should include arobic and anarobic.
Exercising is very boring if you are just starting your routine, so try to get someone to start with you and help each other in the routine.A radio can also be helpful in setting up a rytheme of exercise.
Start with an easy walk or jog to warm up and stretch those muscles first before pumping that iron. Weights are a great way to tone up and even add a few inches of muscle if you want, just don't overdo.
Drink water or sports drinks fi you tend to perspire a lot during exercise. You must stay hydrated or you will feel faint during the program, especially if jogging. Stay with a program for the rest of your life and I believe you will stay healthier than someone who does no exercise at all.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Lose Weight Fast

Many people are interested in losing weight or trying not to gain weight ,especially during holidays. These are the days that you may eat way more than you want to and you may gain a few pounds. You can eat that Turkey and gravy, just not that second helping of gravy and mashed potatoes. If you insist on eating the extra helpings of carbs and the fat that is also included then there are ways to lose the gained weight and do it fast. Let me give you some tips on losing weight fast.

1. Eat small portions

2. Eat the protein meats,turkey,chicken,salmon,tuna, lean beef

3. Eat whole grain bread

4. Leave off the high calorie sweet dessert

5. Drink lots of water

A brisk walk after meals will burn off the fat calories , so walk at least twenty minutes at a good pace.

This is a fast weight loss routine, do this every day until you have reached your weight loss goal. Now you can add a few carbs to the diet without gaining weight. If you see yourself gaining weight again,just reduce your carb intake and you will lose weight fast. Remember to walk or do some form of exercise to help burn the fat.

Losing weight fast is simple if you just get into the routine. It can be fun and not a dreaded task.

If you are a person who works too long and cannot take brisk walks then do your exercise at home or at your office. You only have to exert yourself for a few minutes a day to burn fat. If you are at a desk stop and stretch or do toe touches,squats, lunges, any form of resistance pressure will burn calories.

At home you can do crunches, pushups, lunges, and push yourself away from the tempting food that causes weight gain. Fruits and vegies with small amounts of meat will keep your weight down fast.

Diets work only for as long as you stay on them and you can lose weight fast, but when you leave the diet you will notice a weight gain if you eat whatever you want. To keep weight off you must change your eating habits.

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This is very hard to do if you are not fully into fast weight loss. Once you get used to eating a low carb meal, really used to it ,it will be so easy to grab that carrot or celery stick instead of that bite of bread or chip and dip. It really is up to you as to how fast you want to lose weight and stay there. A cottage cheese smoothie with strawberrys makes a fine tasty breakfast.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Product Review: Does Prospect Response deliver responsive prospects?

I just got some privileged rights to provide my subscribers with FREE ACCESS to Prospect Response GOLD membership!
I recently signed up for an excellent email promotion service called Prospect Response:
We are all faced with mounting problems getting email out to our lists. Spam filters and places like AOL are making it more and more difficult every day even to deliver legitimate messages in the process of fighting spam.
Even though email marketing has been tainted by the endless flow of spam (and overzealous email filters), email promotion need not be a frustrating experience any more.
Prospect Response ensures your message always gets there:
• They PAY your prospects to read your ads!
• You can get hundreds or even thousands of fresh leads every day!
• Each message is double-checked to ensure it does not trigger spam filters
• All email is delivered with personalized precision though proprietary technology

• The company works with ISPs to ensure your messages are not trashed into spammers' blacklists
and a lot more...
Bottom line: Your ads reach lots of responsive prospects. And makes you lots of profits.
Click here to sign up:==> http://www.adsaturation.net/cgi-bin/pr/d.cgi/AJ32057/goldpromo-complete.html
Don't forget, they are only giving a few of these free memberships.

Friday, May 20, 2011

stop the matrix

Are you still promoting programs after programs in the hope of succeeding in some of them?


Most program only requires you to refer 2 ~ 5 people !

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Remember, to truly for you to earn that millions of dollars in every matrices out there is not for yourself to refer 1000s of people, but to have your referrals refer 2 ~ 5 people on their own with the help of Reality-Networkers.

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